Urbanization: this is the process by which the population or urban areas increases, usually because people move out to the cities form rural areas.
Metropolitan area: an admnistrative divison consisting in a city, and its sorrounding areas.
Suburb: the area sorrounding a city that has a lower population density than the urban core, but a higher population density than a rural area.
The relationship between these three variables is very close. Urbanization is what drives the growth of both urban cores and suburbs, and a metropolitan area emerges when a city and its suburbs grow enough that they require a new special administrative division in order to coordinate local policies.
Latitude is the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator. It is measured with 180 imaginary lines that form circles around the Earth east-west, parallel to the Equator. These lines are known as parallels.
hey i just posted a rando question for anyone who wants to talk u should go to it
14m is the area of the rhombus
No there is not sound in space
It´s because of the lack of the gravity factor that´s present on the surface of Earth. This makes bodies and objects so light and they practically float in the station´s interior. Earth´s gravity is simply weaker the further you are from it.