He met a hubshi girl who seemed interested with Santosh. Furthermore, he got English lesson by her and their relationship became closer. This event makes Santosh realizes of his existence after he feels alienated by his surrounding before. Since then, he took so much care of his physical appearance.
Most likely to appeal to the reader’s emotions
I'm in my space ship landing on a planet then I see someone waving to me then I think that I'm not alone then I come out of my space ship and ask him who are you then he says that I work for SpaceX then he says let me show you around so then we walked to big city just like on earth then I see a huge building which has space x on it then I asked the person who manages the whole place then he replied Elon musk is the president of the whole planet then you go back home and tell everyone about it
It should be Blending for PA instruction or verbalizing words
1. The Mustang's are a high school football team in our town. They are one of the top teams in the conference.
2. My cousin, Preston, plays for the Mustangs. He is a linebacker.
3. The Mustangs play in a stadium on Highland Drive, beside the school. CORRECT
4.Football is popular in our town. Almost everyone attends the Friday night games.
5. Our biggest rivals are the Clarksville Hurricanes. They are last year's champions.
I can't see the last one.