The U.S., technically
By every traditional measure, the United States “won” the Vietnam War. U.S. troops moved with impunity and held the field of battle after almost every engagement. Casualty rates were extremely lopsided in America's favor. Yet, by 1976, South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were communist. Which means that Vietnam won, if you will.
So I guess the U.S. won every battle and still lost the war. The war ended with a cease-fire rather than a peace treaty.
The French and Indian War directly influenced the subsequent American Revolution. This war, fought between 1756 and 1763, was the North American scenario of the Seven Years' War, which took place in Europe and in which France and Great Britain faced each other.
In America, the French were supported by various native tribes, and the battle territory was the Ohio River Valley. Both powers disputed the colonial territories of the North American continent, and in 1763, with the British victory, Canada became part of the British Empire. Furthermore, the French threat to the Thirteen Colonies was neutralized.
Although the colonists had been the main combatants, the British decided that the expenses of the war should be covered by the colonies themselves and not by Great Britain, since these had benefited from the defeat of France, so the Parliament passed a series of laws imposing taxes and fees on the colonies, which had no legislative representation in London. This led to a series of protests and mobilizations seeking to roll back these measures, but they were not heard.
This situation worsened with the Boston Tea Party and the subsequent sanction of the Coercitive Acts, until in 1775, in the midst of the British occupation of Boston, the American Revolutionary War began.
Value in the dollar can decrease or incease as far as we know It’s sky- rocketing.
He contributed to a writing called On the Heavens
Locke was the inspiration for a democratic government.