Unsympathetic, at the end he kind of puts the blame for Romeo and Juliets death on other people, he isn't willing to take the blame for what he did and he left juliet in the tomb alone to kill herself.
"But he'd said, ‘I'll call you.' That's what he said—‘I'll call you.'"
<em>Sixteen </em>is a short story written by Maureen Daly, an Irish-born American writer best known for the works she wrote while she was still in her teens. <em>Sixteen </em>is one of these works. She wrote it when she was sixteen years old.
The story tells about a girl who meets a boy at the skating rink and begins to like him. The line <em>But he'd said, ‘I'll call you.' That's what he said—‘I'll call you.' </em>follows their separation. The narrator hopes the boy will call her and convinces herself that he will do so. However, soon we find out that the boy didn't call. This is how the story ends.
R - Ponyboy should've participated in the rumble
A - Yes because there'll be no weapons
C Chapter 9 Page 134
E Even though Ponyboy doesn't like the idea of confrontation, he likes to help others and he would increase the Greasers's chances of winning.
OMG I LOVE THE BOOK, I have it on hard copy lol
5464, Peter Street
Mumbai -65
Dear Praveen,
How are you? Hope your preparations for your exam are going in full swing. Things though have gone from bad at my end. Here I am not able to concentrate on my studies and facing a lot of issues pertaining to it.
Firstly there is a construction going on in my opposite parking lot and it is operational round the clock. The sound of the machines are a nuisance and facing a difficult task in coping with the situation.
Also here is a marriage function which creates a lot of noise because they are playing a songs in a loud speakers. Its disturb me a lot.
Eventhough I have to study by crossing all these obstacles.
Yours lovingly.