1) Cuando Javier y Victoria eran estudiantes de medicina, siempre tenían que ir al médico.
2) Cada vez que él hacía un examen, a Javier le dolía mucho la cabeza.
3) Cuando Victoria hacía ejercicios aeróbicos, siempre se sentía mareada.
4) Todas las primaveras, Javier estornudaba mucho porque es alérgico al polen.
1) When Javier and Victoria were medical students, they always had to go to the doctor.
2) Every time he took an exam, Javier had a headache.
3) When Victoria did aerobics, she was always dizzy.
4) All springs, Javier sneezed a lot because he is allergic to pollen.
I don't think its bad at all to overthink! It happens because we are humans. But if its happening to much, I would try to calm down and try to solve it. Have a great day!
un gancho para colgar my ropa.
I think you are asking "como se Yama usted" it means what's your name