Popularity, social class, architecture
The ancient Egyptians thought pharoahs as gods themselves, similar to how many adore celebrities today. The Egyptians had a social class system related to money. The sandstone bricks used to make the pyramids and the sphinx are all exactly the same size, and to this day archaeologists couldn't figure out how they are the same size and shape.
Ans: The ruins of two ancient cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro (both in modern-day Pakistan), and the remnants of many other settlements, have revealed great clues to this mystery. Harappa was, in fact, such a rich discovery that the Indus Valley Civilization is also called the Harappan civilization.
Answer: True
Gregorio Cortez Lira (June 22, 1875 – February 28, 1916) was a Mexican American tenant farmer in the American Old West that later became a folk hero to Mexicans living in South Texas. He ability to evade authorities as well as his impassioned words in court made him known. His life was commonly recited through border ballads where events were often dramatisized.