B. the Midwest
The people that have German, Polish, and Scandinavian origin in the United States, tend to be concentrated the most in the Midwest region of the country. There's a very simple explanation for this. In the period when there was a policy about settling more toward the west, which in that period was the Midwest, as the settlers were concentrated around the East Coast, there were some very lucrative offers. The people that were going to move in in this region were going to get very large pieces of land for farming for free or for very small price. This attracted lot of people, as they were given the chance to be farmers and start their lives all over again. In Europe, the situation was not the best in Poland, Germany, and Scandinavia in this period, and lot of people were migrating in the US. As they came upon this initiative, they accepted the offer gladly, so almost all of them settled in the Midwest. There were so many people from these countries that settled, that the Germans for example are actually the largest ethnic group of which the people claim ancestry in the United States.
Easterlies, westerlies, and the trade winds
One of the three reasons for Georgia's founding. King George II hoped that Georgia would be able to produce wine, rice, silk, and indigo. The King hoped that the new colony would bring economic prosperity to England.
The difference between the two mentioned magnitudes is 4.
A magnitude 1 earth-quack is 10000 times bigger than a magnitude -3 earth-quack. On the other hand, it is 1000000 times stronger in terms of energy release.
Note: To calculate the difference in energy between two earth-quacks, first you calculate the difference between their magnitudes and then you raise 10 to the output you obtain.
În timpul unei eclipse de Lună, Pământul trece între Lună și Soare, determinând Pământul să-și arunce umbra asupra Lunii.
Veți observa că umbra pe care o produce este rotundă. Chiar dacă Pământul ar fi plat, dar în formă de disc, nu ar arunca nici acest gen de umbră. „Singura formă care poate produce o umbră curbată, indiferent din ce direcție este plasată lumina, este o sferă”, explică Thaller.