Living things consists of the organisms like the plants, animals, fungi, protozoa and bacteria. These animals vary in the complexity of the body and have different number of cells in their body. Organisms like the plants and animals are made up of several different kinds of cells. These organisms are called multi-cellular organisms. On the other hand, organisms like the baker's yeast (a fungi) and a plethora of bacteria are single celled organisms. They are called unicellular organisms. Hence we can say that the living things are made up of at least one cell.
Cell membrane, Organells, flagella
Stop habitat destruction
Cutting down and burning forests basically take away the shelter, hunting grounds, and overall habitat away from many species that use the trees as a form of shelter and protection. Removing their shelter, which could be their only form of protection causes many of these organisms to die, not to mention the plants that are necessary to keep the food chain balanced.
Some living thing's bodies are weaker than others. For the species to live, the strong ones of the species will not get sick, reproduce and create strong offspring. The weak will die out.