Because the Germans were Taking on a attitude of imperialism and they were sinking American ships
Answer: naturalistic observation
Explanation: Naturalistic observation is a technique used in the study of subjects in their natural habitat without any manipulation or interference from the observer. The aim of naturalistic observation is to describe in detail the behaviour of an organism in their natural setting, situation or habitat.
Conducting a naturalistic observation offers some advantages which include:
I) allowing investigation of behaviours that occur in complex social settings.
II) allowing the researcher to gather qualitative as well as quantitative data and
III) allowing the development of theories based on collected observations etc.
However, it is less useful in studying well-defined hypotheses under precisely specified conditions since they are typically designed not to confirm previously formed hypotheses.
<span>On the other extreme, </span>operant conditioning<span> is one that is based on voluntary behaviour, i.e. active responses of the organism. </span>In classical conditioning<span>, the responses of the organism, are under the control of the stimulus, whereas </span>in operant conditioning<span>, the responses are controlled by the organism.</span>
1. According to Atticus, the Cunninghams family are a group of 'proud people'. They work really hard for their allowance, follow the law, and take care of the people around them. The ewells on the other hand, are filled with law breakers and entitled people who believe they could do whatever they pleases.
2. No. Eventhough the Ewells is indeed poor, the town do not treat them as commonfolk.
The regulators in the city know that if they do not bend the rules for Bob Ewell, he is cruel enough to let his children starve to death.
3. Both of the cunninghams and the Ewell are considered poor. But the cunninghams are considered even more poor than the Ewells.
The Finch family is not particularly rich, but they are considerably more well-off compared to cunninghams and Ewell.
4. It is how Atticus see the attittude of both families. Despite being poor, The cunninghams keep their human dignity and always try their best to become decent citizens, the Ewell on the other hand are really lazy and always break the law.