Hi , here's the answer
¿Cuándo encontraste tú esa corbata¿
Ask your friend what their daily routine is and write yours as well, and starting from the beginning compare them. Say you compare yours to mine, I wake up at around 7, I change, then make coffee, eat something and get my school stuff together. Usually, I start school at about 7:30 or sometimes I procrastinate and start at like 8:30. I work till about 12 or 1, then eat lunch while I work. When I'm done I get back to work till 3 or 4. After that, I work on one of my hobbies (dance, music, journaling, etc.). I go to bed (not sleep) at 10 or 11 but don't fall asleep till like 3-5 am the next day.
because the stressed syllable is the last syllable. It does not have an accent (spelling accent) because it is acute and does not end in 'n', 's' or vowel.
1. Pedro come mucho. Pedro comio mucho ahora.
2. Ana y Rosa cantan muy bien. Ana y Rosa cantaron muy bien ahora.
Nos gusta la gaseosa porque contienen gas porque su principal ingrediente es la agua carbonatada, no oxigennada si no seria como tomar agua saborizada el gas le da un sabor distinto para que no parezca agua saborizada