Because they knew that Germans could sink any ship they want. They could sink civilian ships. Back then, the only way to travel long distances was by boat, because passenger airplanes had not been invented. The Germans could now sink them if they wanted to travel somewhere, so they either risk their life or not go on trips.
Europeans wanted exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries for the belief that there was emense wealth in undiscovered countries. For example, king Ferdinand and queen Isabella of Spain sent Christopher Columbus on an exploration to find gold or other precious metals. When he landed in America, he didn't find gold but he knew he'd be punished for returning empty handed so came up with the idea to enslave indigineous people as an alternative form of wealth
orixas are a link between the spiritual world and the world of humans. Voduns and inkices are spirit gods, essentially the same as orixas. Candomblé is a synthesis of three African religions, Yoruba, Fon and Bantu, and voduns and inkices are the names preferred by the other two sects.