A.Commoners earned money through labor or craftsmanship, while slaves were not paid for their work.
The Constitution of Mexico, formally the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (Spanish: Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos), is the current constitution of Mexico. It was drafted in Santiago de Querétaro, in the State of Querétaro, by a constitutional convention, during the Mexican Revolution. It was approved by the Constitutional Congress on 5 February 1917. It is the successor to the Constitution of 1857, and earlier Mexican constitutions.
Japanese government declined in the A.D. 800s because a number of weak
emperors came to the throne. Powerful nobles than began to gain control
of land. Nobles began collecting more taxes from the peasants working
the land. Nobles formed private armies. The shogun commanded the emperor's military
government. The mongols attacked Japan twice, but the attackers were
defeated because of violent pacific storms smashed many of their ships.</span>
The feudal lords were named governors of the territories called prefectures.