The Hero is the protagonist of a story. The Hero represents our own struggles, obstacles and triumphs
B. Either... or...
Conjunctions are words used to connect other words, phrases, or clauses. There are three main types of conjunctions:
- Coordinating conjunctions - used to connect two elements (words/phrases/clauses) of equal grammatical rank and importance (e.g. two independent clauses).
- Subordinating conjunctions - used to connected elements of unequal rank and importance (e.g. one independent and one subordinating clause).
- Correlative conjunctions - used in pairs to connect elements of equal importance (e.g. <em>both/and, </em><em>either/or</em><em>, neither/nor, not/but</em>).
Based on this information, we can conclude that the correlative conjunction in the given sentence is<em> either/or. </em>
A. underestimate the value of the small steps they can take.
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The plot is the actual story around which the entire book is based. A plot should have a very clear beginning, middle, and end—with all the necessary descriptions and suspense, called exposition—so that the reader can make sense of the action and follow along from start to finish. Every story has a conflict to solve.
Answer: A. to organize ideas for comparing and contrasting two topics.
Explanation: A Venn diagram is an illustration that uses circles to show the relationships among things or groups of things.