Because of the discovery of gold in San Francisco in 1848, many people began moving west to search for wealth and fame. The United States was discovering many things, silver, and oil. These were some of the natural resources the United States had at the end of the 1800s.
Quartering Act, outlining the locations and conditions in which British soldiers are to find room and board in the American colonies. The Quartering Act of 1765 required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies.
>1877: The Great Strike
>1886: The Haymarket Affair
>1892: The Steel Strike
>1911: Triangle Fire
They pushed for a war against Britain to restore national honor. They insisted that invading British-held Canada would deprive the Native Americans of their main source of arms and drive the British out of Native Americans. They also believed that the British would make naval acknowledgement to get Canada back from the Americans.