You would get help if you had put it in english.. lol
EVA Where were you? I wear
calling you.
ANA Sorry, I'm
looking for wedding dresses.
EVA Are you getting married?
And are you going to Texas with Andrés?
ANA SI, to Texas.
with how little I like the heat.
ANA Oh, how far, I'm going to
EVA I'm happy for you, Ana! Plus
Andrés is great.
ANA Yes, and she loves to vlajar. He is all a
By the way, I need clothes suitable for the heat.
EVA Can I help you search? To me
dress others.
ANA Well, I have to go to
to order the invitations.
Answer:El chico se despierta alas seis de la manana.Yo me almuerzo a las once y diez cada dia.Mis padres se lavan el carro.Mi hermano y yo nos acostamos hasta medianoche.Tu te cepillas los dientes.Vosotors os banais antes de salir.Mi amigo y yo no lavamos lavamos la ropa.Usted se levanta muy temprano.
I know this is correct because i speak spanish
Wrong question.. This is supposed to be in SPANISH?