Germany had the support of Italy and Japan, with whom it established an alliance in the late 1930s known as the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis. Like Germany, Italy and Japan, they also had expansion projects. Italy sought influence over the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa, and Japan, influence over the Pacific Ocean, China and part of Russia (at the time, belonging to the Soviet Union).
French and india war
Stamp act
Boston massacre
Boston tea party
Intolérable acts
First continental
The Mississippi Valley was very attractive for early colonizers. The Spaniards first went there in 1541, hoping they would find gold just like their fellow citizens had done in Mexico two decades earlier. But their venture didn't bear any fruit. Then, in 1673, French came to explore the land. Soon enough, missionaries followed their steps, and the first small settlements were formed, in spite of many troubles (such as outbreaks of smallpox).
a Muslim dynasty who ruled over a majority Hindu population
1. Ethnicity--colonies were broken into countries with no regard to ethnic groups. These groups differed before colonization and differed more during the colonial period. Many ethnic conflicts have occurred since, some resulting in genocide.
2. It is a more common language--the colonies were taught the colonial language and trade often continued with the European country that was once their ruler. Maintaining that language for trade eased the transition and makes trade more accessible.
3. Indigenous religions--these original religions still exist but differ greatly from one another. These religions were based in the tribes and colonies were a blend of many tribes. The European religions were often more consistent.