The correct answers to these questions are the following.
What is your opinion of the huipil?
The huipil is one of the most folkloric or "folclóricos) dresses for women in the Mayan culture of Guatemala and some other parts of southern México, where Mayan people live.
Why do you think it is important for these women to still wear such traditional clothing nowadays?
The huipil, handmade and very important to these women, can represent her hometown and social status. This status is still very important in these Mayan societies. A huipil can vary in size, decoration, and quality depending on the purpose of its use. So if there are special events or ceremonies, Mayan women tend to use the appropriate huipil for the occasion. In Spanish, we could say: "las mujeres Mayas se visten de acuerdo a cada ocasión para lucir bellas y distinguidas."
Do you know of any traditional clothing still worn by people in your country or culture?
No really don't, but I have seen Seminole ceremonies and both, women and men, are dressed in colorful and traditional clothes to perform their chant and dances.
What does it look like and what does it represent?
The explanation an elder of the tribe told us was that every color has a symbol that represents an element of nature. And that there is a type of dress, according to the social status of the people performing in the event.