Answer: It will not.
The question says that it is raining at midnight. By that logic, the time is currently midnight at the time of the question.
Going by it being midnight, 48 hours from then will be midnight as well only 2 days later. There can be no sunny weather at midnight so no, it will not be sunny weather in 48 hours simply because the sun does not shine at night.
The answer is C, I believe.
This hyperbole, is also an example of Simile.
Simile is a figure of speech which is used for comparison of 2 unlike things using like or as for example : white as snow , red as an apple. Similes are like metaphors. But metaphors are not the same as similes. Authors use simile to present their writings as exciting as a spontaneous show of fireworks. Here in the statement "They leaped like deer on the moon" which is an exaggeration but the use of direct comparison showing excitement.
Well basically Malcolm X was a modern-day Julius Caesar since he was murdered by the same people who helped him get started as a spokesman and they were both thought to be leaders by others. A difference in them I guess would have to be that Julius Caesar was an ancient European ruler from noble roots while Malcolm X was an African-American ex-convict turned political and social leader.