It was a respectful petition to King George III was to declare their right to approve laws passed by the parliament.
Homestead Act: <span>1862 law that gave 160 acres of land to citizens who met certain conditions.
land peculator: </span><span>Person who buys up large areas of land in the hope of selling them later for a profit.
push-pull factors: <span>Events and conditions that either force (push) people to move elsewhere or strongly attract (pull) them to do so</span>
The Cruise missile is a guided missile if that is not the answer then it would be tomahawk missile
Italy surrendered and Mussolini was removed from power.
Among the examples of plot in modern literature, Harry Potter<span> and the Sorcerer’s Stone (written by J.K. Rowling) is probably the most familiar to both readers and moviegoers. The plot of the story begins when Harry learns that Professor Snape is after the Sorcerer’s Stone. The Professor lets loose a troll, who nearly kills Harry and his friends. In addition, Harry finds out that Hagrid let out the secret of the giant dog to a stranger in return for a dragon which means that Snape can now reach the Sorcerer’s Stone.</span>