If you're able to accomplish them, you would have more respect for yourself because then you would be able to believe that you yourself can achieve thos3 high standards. And you would believe in yourself more.
Sometimes we are afraid of failing and because of this we can set low standards for ourselves. We might believe that this means we will achieve things more easily, and thus we will be more satisfied. However, this usually works in the opposite way. When we set high standards, we are motivated to work harder because these are more difficult to achieve. What this causes is that we end up with a higher self-respect and pride, as we have achieved something we know was a lot more difficult.
The main way in which Chinese culture changed during the Warring States period was that it became far more unified as a result of these conflicts, since they led to the first real Chinese Empire.
Ayatollah Khomeini’s radical followers invade the United
States Embassy and took the Americans to be their hostage in order to protest
the admission of Shah for medical treatment into the United States. It was also believed that the US was spying
on Iran through the embassy.