america to europe
american natives grew corn in vast quantities the settelers found out that corn was easier to grow than other crops
Two or more dependable sources that record the same event using the same facts is needed to establish historical accuracy.
Artifacts can be open to interpretation because historians need to figure out what they are & what they mean about life in the time they were made.
Although primary sources are helpful, they are not indisputable because one person cannot completely confirm an event. Consider what would happen if future historians only used a conspiracy theorist's journal to figure out what life in our current time is like.
Religious documents often record fictional events.
<u>Two or more dependable sources is the right answer because more resources mean that something is more likely to be true.</u>
The development of the Napoleonic Code was a fundamental change in the nature of the civil law system, making laws clearer and more accessible. It also superseded the former conflict between royal legislative power and, particularly in the final years before the Revolution, protests by judges representing views and privileges of the social classes to which they belonged. Such conflict led the Revolutionaries to take a negative view of judges making law.
During the 19th century, the Napoleonic Code was voluntarily adopted in a number of European and Latin American countries, either in the form of simple translation or with considerable modifications.
The immediate causes of the Hundred Years War were the dissatisfaction of Edward III of England with the nonfulfillment by Philip VI of France of his pledges to restore a part of Guienne taken by Charles IV; the English attempts to control Flanders, an important market for English wool and a source of cloth