A restatement of the thesis.
(A) The cell phone
We have the freedom of speech and that is demonstrated by the cell phone, the cell phone has social media plat forms that you can download and you can share an idea, thought or opinion with the freedom to do so.
The cell phone also has apps that can entertain you.
Students need a high level of computer literacy both to succeed at tomorrow's jobs as well as to create tomorrow's innovations. ... Teachers will feel empowered when they understand how technology will truly impact student learning in a positive way.
1.Many burglaries have ocurred in our area recently. 2.It seems that the perpetrators pose as workers for a lawn service. 3. They travel from house to house asking if homeowners would like to have their lawns mowed. 4. Once they identify which homes seem to be currently unoccupied, they enter the homes by breaking through a back window or door. 5. Summer is a popular season for vacationing for many families in our neighborhood.