When I was younger, Maryam, a girl who lived next door to me was rather affable. It was easy talking to her because she showed enthusiasm in everything I did. Maryam was three years older than me and had recently lost her elder sister, who died in a terrible car accident. The loss of her sister deeply affected Maryam, and her character transformed immensely. Previously being a vivacious girl, she was now lethargic, sitting at one place doing nothing. She procrastinated with everything. One day, I aspired her to try out something new instead of sitting around and doing nothing. This pushed a trigger in her memories, and she recalled her halcyon days of childhood. She laughed at the memory of her elder sister, whom everyone had loved because she was down-to-earth and not haughty.
The Greek root for bi- is di- both meaning two.
I hope this helps!
Lasting love is consistently linked to lower levels of stress. The positive feelings associated with oxytocin and dopamine production can help improve your mood, for one.