The first major farming group to promote better conditions
The Grange was a movement that had its goals o the improvement of the conditions for the farmers. This movement was educating the farming families, making them familiar with the new ideas and technologies, as well as having multiple different social programs. Weirdly enough, this movement was also with a religious background, so the religion played a crucial part in its activities. The Grange was formed in 1860 and was very popular until 1880, but larger organization later out-competed it and it lost lot of its members. The movement is still active nowadays though, with small but loyal membership.
Indian nationalism developed as a concept during the Indian independence movement which campaigned for independence from British rule. Indian nationalism is an instance of territorial nationalism, which is inclusive of all of the people of India, despite their diverse ethnic, linguistic and religious backgrounds.
B. Protectionism
By this policy they are able to guard their own industries from foreign competitors. They do this by usually taxing imports.
This is a democracy due to that when this country rose against England, it was motivated to have a say in government and laws which it felt were unfair and had people to give them say in government affairs. Hence, this a representative democracy. Citizens vote for their government officials and the checks and balances prevent one branch from having too much or too little power. These officials represent the citizens' ideas and concerns in government.