Some students feel the four-day school week provides an opportunity for extra rest and a less stressful environment. Being out of school one extra day per week allows students to relax or to be more productive. The four-day format provides opportunities for an extra work day at an after-school job, engaging in volunteer activities or pursuing additional educational goals. Also, students who are athletes don't miss as much class and have less work to make up when events occur on a day off. Teachers and administrators also benefit from this because
<span>Martin Luther King, Jr. believes that we need gadflies
because we need to bring to light issues that need to be resolved especially
when it concerns the violation of people’s rights to be treated equally. Gadflies are those who make a lot of noise
through their speeches and actions that draw people’s attention. Still Dr. King maintains that gadflies should
use their talents to promote non-violent confrontations to resolves issues of
social injustice. These are the people
who speak their mind with such force that others listen even if they think it
doesn’t concern them. More people
gadflies attract, the more attention is given to the issues at hand. By doing
that, it would spur government to do something about it.</span>
The passage isn't written hurried, uneven, or intense. it's a smooth and mellow pace very steady and measured
Similes: "She loved to luxuriate in the presence of this man. and to feel - almost as a sunbather feels in the sun." <span>
Alliteration: "The room was warm and clean, the curtains drawn." </span>
Gerund Phrase- Studying Calculus
Noun Function Direct object