Very hard go back and look to see
Answer: The us Sell and Lend supplies to Great Britain.
Answer: Through nonviolent protest, the civil rights movement of the 1950s and '60s broke the pattern of public facilities' being segregated by “race” in the South and achieved the most important breakthrough in equal-rights legislation for African Americans since the Reconstruction period
Caesar Augustus was originally named Octavian, great nephew of Julius Caesar. He was the first emperor of the Rome and was named Augustus. Augustus during this time was known for placing Rome in the "Pax Romana" a state of amazing excellency during ancient Roman times. Since Augustus placed Rome into a period of greatness, it does not make sense that he sent Rome into a civil war, meaning it can't be a. For choice b., it is describing Nero, who supposed played his lyre while the city of Rome burned. Choice d is referring to Julius Caesar; well in partial. Julius Caesar created a calendar but I do not remember if he really referred to himself as a god. So this only leaves option c. He established an imperial government in place of the Roman Republic.