Answer: fine textiles, silk
During this period, they traded over long distances.
Techological improvements allowed for mass printing of newspapers and books in the 19th and 20th centuries. This has had an economic, commercial and social impact. It was possible to reach thousands or even millions of people with a single edition; it was possible now to reach a massive audience who did not have higher education, but wanted to read news and have some form of entertainment. People have always wanted to know about shocking events, disasters, tragedies, violent crimes and the juicy details of the romantic life of those famous and powerful. There is an old phrase of American journalism: "Dog bites man, that´s not news. Man bites dog, that´s news." So , newspapers for a massive audience were set up and exploited stories about violence, crime and sex. That´s the advent of "yellow journalism" in the modern world. Besides, having a high number of readers or subscribers assured profits for newspaper owners, because the larger the audience, the larger the advertising revenues. This logic continues to be true today.
Answho knows this think does not help at all lol wasting time wer:
The Europeans built roads, bridges, and railways in african colonies cause it helped them transfer or trade materials like gold, meat, supplies, etc... but now in this century it helps the african colonies with there transportations <span />
The late 20th century.
Back then, the knowledge about human psychology still hasn't as developed as it is today. The asylums during that time had the reputation on inhumane treatment toward its patient because they believe that mentally problematic patient cannot feel like normal people feel.