How is Krishna depicted? The most common representation of Krishna shows him playing the flute and surrounded by adoring gopis, the wives and daughters of the cowherds. As a child, Krishna is depicted crawling on his hands and knees or dancing with joy, a ball of butter held in his hands.
The great depression affected Americans by leaving many unemployed, which caused widespread poverty and homelessness. This also caused families to be separated while looking for jobs. Suffering from droughts in the Midwest, farmers were unable to pay for their settlements and leave. The New Deal affected mostly Native Americans. The 1887 Dawes Act had torn apart the Native's tribal lands and John Collier, the New Deals Commissioner of Indian Affairs knew the Dawes Act at the time, would leave the Natives landless . To prevent this from happening, Collier developed the Indian New Deal.
Answer: important moments for the British colonizers, such as Smith's encounters with the Native Americans, including Pocahontas