"'Ha! glad am I that no one knew / That Rumpelstiltskin I am styled.'"
Rumpelstiltskin is a fairy tale narrated in the book Grimms' Fairy Tales.
It is a story about the miller’s daughter who is locked up and commanded to spin straw into gold three times before she marries the king.
She broke down crying each time because of course she couldn't do that. Each time as she was crying a little man appeared and helped her, taking something from her in return.
The third time she had nothing to give him so he made her promise to give him her first child after she become queen.
After becoming the queen and having the first child, the little man appeared to collect his promise. She was distressed and didn't want to give up her child so the little gave her three days to guess his name and if she succeeded she get to keep her child.
The first two days she couldn't guess the name, so the little man in his joy over this fact danced around his fire singing that "Ha! glad am I that no one knew / That Rumpelstiltskin I am styled", fully confident that no one knows his name, not knowing the Queen's servant heard him.
The servant then reported it to the queen, and she was able to save her child.