The two things that Beowulf and the Odyssey have in common are the language in which they are told reflects the grandeur, nobility, and scope of the subject matter and they both follow the exploits of a single hero. The correct answers are D & B.
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The protagonist of Lovecraft's story is:
<h3>Who is the protagonist of a story?</h3>
The protagonist of a story is the main character in a play who faces the most challenges. In Lovecraft's story, the terrible old man can be referred to as the protagonist because e was on his own when the three robbers plotted to invade his space.
Also, the people did not like him because they felt there was a bad aura around him So we can refer to the Old Man as the protagonist.
Learn more about protagonists here:
Emily Dickinson was implying <span>the strength of hope.
The correct answer is D. a word that names a person, place, or thing.
Nouns are words that give us the names of people (John, Helen, Tom, etc.), places (courtyard, school, home, etc.), things (pencil, desk, computer, etc.). emotions (love, hate, happiness, etc.), and many other things. They usually act as subjects or objects within a sentence.
A is incorrect because that definition refers to pronoun, rather than noun. B is incorrect because nouns express so much more than just emotions. C is incorrect because that definition refers to verbs. Therefore, we are left with D.