What this makes me think about is "listening to what others have to say is a way for me to be respectful about what their opinion or subject is about."
The power of Boadicea is highlighted in this excerpt, using adjectives such as fierce, beautiful, and the imagery of "her golden hair blowing round her in the wind" giving the illusion of someone otherworldly, superior to common beings. Her speech rouses deep passion in the people, it's a call for action that is responded eagerly. Loyalty to the Queen is loyalty to the Country, the soldiers pledge their lives to her, hence they pledge their lives to fight for the country against the Romans. Her rage is mirrored and multiplied, till everybody is willing to die for her, to avenge their country.
Answer: The answer would be C, “I had to scoop water out of the boat with a bucket.
“I” would be the subjective pronoun in the sentence, as the subjective pronouns consist of I, he, she, it, they, we, and you. hope this helps!