Here are 12 fun facts :D
Extreme Territory among Giants.
The Highest Mountains on Earth.
The Deepest Canyon On Earth.
The Original Name Of Mount Everest.
The Nepal's Capital Was Once A Lake.
Hinduism Is The Most Important Religion In The Land Of Buddha.
Home of Endangered Animals.
The Legend Of Yeti, The Abominable Snowman.
Ivan the terrible, or Ivan IV, was the first tsar of Russia. During his reign he gained lots of land through creating a centrally controlled government
Political science uses a scientific approach. Political scientists approach their studies in an objective, rational, and systematic manner.
US pioneers trusted that Iranian patriots were too inviting with communists; in this way, the United States reestablished the previous ruler's child to control.
After the United States overthrowed President Guzman of Guatemala in the mid 1950s, the new pioneer rapidly turned into a military tyrant.
Copernicus<span> contributed the heliocentric model of the universe, </span>Brahe<span> contributed astronomical data, </span>Kepler<span> contributed elliptical orbits of planets, </span>Galileo<span> contributed his telescopic discoveries, and </span>Newton<span> contributed his laws of gravitation.