When you don't add direct input from your writing. If your first paragraph is about "how dogs save the day", then in your thesis, you should put " dogs save the day...". By adding input from for <em>body paragraphs, </em>you are informing the reader about the rest of your writing. If you don't add these key items, your thesis may be weaker, causing the reader to be less interested.
Have a nice day! :)
The best way to eliminate wordiness is the following:
<em> The audience gave the guest speaker a standing ovation.</em>
Wordiness is the use of more words than necessary to express an idea. The phrase <em>"to give a standing ovation"</em> already comprises the ideas of "rose up" and <em>"applauded"</em>. Thus, they are not necessary in the sentence. Replacing those words with the words <em>"gave the guest speaker a standing ovation"</em> is the right way to eliminate wordiness in that sentence.
C, a wireless keyboard and a 24" LED monitor.
Desktop computers shouldn't need a foldable or split-style keyboard. A wireless keyboard is better than a gaming keyboard cost wise. A 24" LED would be more cost efficient and have good screen resolution.
I bought a new bike yesterday.