They kept wages low and labor unions from being successful.
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act is also known as US Tariff Act of 1930. It was a legislation to raise the import duties so the American farmers and businesses could be protected. The legislation got its name from Willis Hawley of Oregon and Reed Smoot of Utah.
Smoot was a senator from Utah and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee while Hawley was chariman of House Ways and Means committee. It was most harsh protectionist tariff in the country's history and raised the import tax by 40 percent.
It was done because American farmers were facing declining prices and competition after first world war during 1920s and the government wanted to improve their situation. The legislation was passed by narrow margin(44-42) and president Hoover signed the bill on June 17, 1930 and it became a law.
Answer: The influence of Byzantium on the countries of Eastern Europe.
Byzantium had a significant influence on the countries of Eastern Europe. This impact has affected all segments of society. In the political sense, the result is reflected in some aspects of the organization of government. The centralized government and strong personality of the rulers are evident in Eastern Europe's rulers as well. In the economic system, certain elements related to taxes were taken over by Eastern European countries, and the method of collecting individual taxes was the same. The most significant influence was in art, architecture, culture, and religion. Many countries took the Cyrillic alphabet from the Byzantines, the architectural style also, and these elements are evident today. After the church schism in 1054, many countries took over Orthodoxy as the official religion from Byzantium.
An endergonic reaction is a type of reaction that is determined by the sign of the Gibbs energy of the reaction. Gibbs energy is related to the degree of the substances to react freely. an enrgonic reaction refers to ∆G that is positive. The answer therefore to this problem is A