All languages share characteristics among them, as proposed by Noah Chomsky, all languages share a Universal Grammar, that is, all the languages have linguistics traits in common.
For instance, they all have in common “sentence and phrase meaning”, “word meaning”, “unique sound system of phonetics” and some other linguistics features.
But what they do not share in common is:
A. word order
Different languages have different syntax, that is, they have different word order.
Sample answer: She begins planning Duncan’s murder. Supporting details include her many about catching “the nearest way” in line 18 of Scene v, as well as the speeches in Scene v beginning “The raven himself is hoarse / That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan / Under my battlements” and “O, never / Shall sun that morrow see!”
Answer 1)
Two words which can disguise the seriousness of plagiarism are
Plagiarism can be described as the copying or borrowing of other people's work and using them without an reference. Plagiarism is considered to be a serious crime and a person is punished heavily for such actions. Plagiarism is considered to be unethical as it is stealing another person's knowledge or intelligence.
Answer No 2)
Some of the ways in which a plagiarism can arise are:
- stealing and passing off (the ideas or words of another) as your own.
- Using words from another article and not giving a reference
- using (another's production) without crediting the source
- committing literary theft
- presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
Answer 3)
While planning a research project, we can prevent plagiarism by choosing topics on which little advancements are made so that there are less chances of plagiarism. We can read articles related to our research but frame the understandings from the articles in our own words rather than copying the article. we should try and choose such topics on research on which we have basic info so that we do not feel the need of copying other people's work.