King Solomon was best known for his wisdom.
Regulation is the placing of limits or restrictions on business activity by the government
The battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac (This was the ship's name when it was a US Navy ship. The CSA renamed it the Virginia) was the most famous naval encounter of the American Civil War. It is important because it showed that the era of wooden ships was coming to an end.
The right options are: Jamestown – colony that prospered after the introduction of tobacco as a cash crop; and Rhode Island – colony formed to escape the harsh Puritan religion of Massachusetts.
The roanoke colony got its name after a native word that meant “things rubbed smooth by hand” or “to rub, smooth, or polish". Meaning a type of shell that was used as currency by the Native.
Massachusetts was exactly the opposite as the statements says, that's why Puritans fled to found the Rhode Island colony and the Connecticut colony.
The Puritans fled Britain to practice their religion freely, arriving to Massachusetts. They left this colony to found a colony where all religions were respected and free.