1- pidas
2- llames
3- cuentes
4- sepas
5- seas
I included the verbs required for this filling in the gap exercise between parenthesis. All the verbs have been conjugated in the subjuntive mood. The subjuntive mood is mainly used to express wishes, uncertainty, volition and suggestions.
1- Es importante que tú pidas (ask) una cita previamente. Verb "pedir" conjugated in the present of the subjunctive mood for the second person singular "tú" to express advice.
2- Te sugiero que tú llames (call) por teléfono con anterioridad. Verb "llamar" conjugated in the present of the subjuntive mood for the second person singular "tú" to express advice.
3- No es bueno que tú cuentes (tell) chismes o información sin confirmar. Verb "contar" conjugated in the present of the subjuntive mood for the second person singular "tú" to express advice.
4- Es posible que tú sepas (know) poco acerca de tu entrevistado. Verb "saber" conjugated in the present of the subjuntive mood for the second person singular "tú" to express probability.
5- Es mejor que tú seas (be) muy diplomático al hacer las preguntas. Verb "ser" conjugated in the present of the subjuntive mood for the second person singular "tú" to express advice.