What makes a short story different from a novel is the structure. Ideally, most of the narrative fictions use three-act structures to tell stories. Novels have more time to explore the three-act structure, which divides a story into three parts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. Meanwhile, with a shorter length, short stories usually only have space to write a segment of the three-act structure. This segment will lead up to the major event for the main character.
Apart from its length, the difference between a short story and a novel is the structure. Unlike novels that can range from 50,000 to 65,000 words, short stories usually range from 1,000 to 20,000. If a short story is longer than 20,000 words, it would be considered a novella. Since the length is shorter, short stories have a limited space to explore the three-act structure, which is commonly used to plot narrative fictions.
<h3>Three-act structure</h3>
Act I – Setup: exposition, inciting incident.
- Act II – Confrontation: Rising action.
- Act III – Resolution: Pre climax, climax, denouement.
- Since it’s lengthier, novels can contain many characters, subplots, and themes.
- That makes novels tend to have a more complex story as they deal with a chain of closely related events.
- Novels can be divided into chapters and sometimes volume.
- Novels can cover a very long period.
- Not necessarily intended to be read in one sitting.
- Novels start with an exposition or introduction to the plot (Act I: Exposition) – the plot thickens and things get complicated (Act II – Confrontation) – conflict reaches its climax, questions are answered, and problems are solved (Act III – Resolution).
<h3>Short stories
- Since it’s shorter, short stories only contains one basic plot and only focus on one or two characters.
- That makes short stories have simpler stories.
- Most short stories don’t have chapters.
- Short stories cover a short period as it focuses more on telling one event.
- Intended to be read in one sitting.
- Most short stories don’t have exposition since they tend to begin the narrative from the middle of the story.
<h3>Learn more
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Subject: English
Class: 7-9
Subchapter: Literature