Attorney general is the head of the Department of Justice and chief legal counsel to the president. The duties of the attorney general are very important and wide spreading. The attorney general mainly handles the cases that involves government and give advice to President and head of the executive body when needed.
The post of Attorney General was created in 1789 to head the chief judiciary system and law enforcement department in federal government. In the territory or state Attorney General is the top legal advisor. They act and behave in the legislation as a people's representative. Attorney generals are elected by members, some are directly appointed by governor.
U.S senate confirms the attorney general but they are nominated by president. The attorney general handles the cases where government is involved and gives advice to president and head executive whenever needed.
Explanation: Between 1936 and 1937, much to the dismay of President Roosevelt, Congress passed the Neutrality Acts, which included an act forbidding Americans from sailing on ships flying the flag of a belligerent nation or trading arms with warring nations. The isolationism policy restricted trade between the US and other countries. This lead to a limited amount of foreign resources and also export income. Also lacking because of the isolationism
The concept of liberal democracy. In general, liberal democracy implies the following: recognition of the people as a subject of power; priority of individual freedom over society and the state; freedom of private property and business; non-interference of the state in the personal life of citizens; parliamentarism and separation of powers; effective control by representative bodies over the government.
The concept of collectivist democracy. This concept contrasts liberal individualism with collectivist forms of life and an understanding of rights and freedoms; the priority of the state and society over the individual; general political mobilization and participation of all citizens in the political process even if they don't want it; declarative nature of rights and freedoms; restriction of individual life.
The concept of pluralistic democracy. This concept inherited from the liberal such fundamental values as separation of powers, respect for human rights, and individual freedom. At the same time, pluralistic democracy largely corrects some of the principles of liberal and collectivist concepts. For example, in a pluralistic concept, it is no longer a person or a people, but a group is a central element of the political process; general political will is the result of conflicting interactions between different groups and a compromise; liberal “egoism” is partially limited by group and public interests; the state takes on part of the functions to protect the interests of individuals and social minorities; power is dispersed across various institutions and thereby creates a system of checks and balances that prevents its monopolization.
The concept of elitist democracy. In accordance with it, power in the country is exercised by elites competing among themselves, and people's participation in government is limited by the right to give preference to one or another elite that claims to be in power or is in power.
In the United States, with its system of checks and balances, separation of powers, but at the same time, the practice of official lobbyism and interest groups, both the liberal and pluralistic concepts of democracy, as well as the concept of participations, are clearly expressed.