It was a strange night... it was warm but there was a evil feeling in the air it was like a rose I guess because they may be beautiful but the thorns hurt. I was walking through the garden and the farther I walked the darker the sky got and the colder it got. The sky didn’t go Black it went red... I started to run in the other direction but I quickly fell face first but something was pulling me back!! I felt nothing around my ankles I looked back and what I saw horrified me... it was a_____ (leave this blank for a mystery or you can fill it with something!)
So you have to idenfiy a cupid and psyche so if cupied is someone who makes people fall in for there heart right so just imange you doing the same thing.
"b. He is laughed at, ridiculed, and abused" is the best option as to how the beggar Odysseus treated by the suitors, since he later opens his arrows on them.