1. It never lead to a single large conflict. Rather many smaller ones.
2. During the Cold War, the USA and USSR both funded army’s of smaller countries to fight for them. For instance the Korean and Veitnam Wars.
3. The Cold War came to a close when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991.
The reasons are that Rehoboam attempted to continue his father, Solomon's unwise policy of swinging taxes and then arrogantly increased them when the Israelites complained. In a very short time, the Israelites rebelled and split from Israel, forming their own kingdom called Israel.
- famine; great economic turmoil;
-decline of peasants after population;
-plague eliminates serfs, serfs become peasants
-lower classes started to rise, but the higher class nobles pushed them back down
Answer: I do not see a map, but the Seminole Indians are part of what is now florida, which spain owned back then.