About 20% of the people of Camboida were killed in the space of about five years. In particular, the Khmer Rouge targeted those who stood out as successful in business or academic pursuits. This action deprived the country of some of its most elite talent. It will take a few generations for the country to recover from such a loss. In addition, the resistance movement of the Khmer Rouge persisted in the jungles until the late 1990s, instilling a sense of terror and uncertainty in the population at large that still impacts people today. People feared that a new reign of Khmer Rouge power could once again target those with religious beliefs, economic knowledge, or intellectual goals. A current effort is under way to put on trial the people responsible for the killing. The goal of such trials is to demonstrate to the people of Camboia and the world that the nation is ready to move on from the devastation of the past.
Plato/Edmentum Users! this is the exact answer to the question, feel free to reword it as you may like
Chile should be the correct answer
The answer is B
pretty sure I'm too late by now sorry!!
The answer is
Federal Reserve System</span>
Difference is given as under
- Mountain belts or mountain ranges are a line of hills connected by high ground. Usually an orogeny most of them are a result of plate tectonic effects and maybe young may be old depending upon their characteristic composition. Like the Himalayas is a young fold mountain formed in the tertiary system of rocks.
- Usually, the mountain is separated from highlands, valleys, and passes. Usually, they tend to regulate the climate affecting snow and rainfall patterns. As compared to the stable interiors upon concerning their age are mostly young as they are continuously on the move and their formation is impacted by erosion and continuous wear and tear of geomaterials.
- Concerning the height, the continents are lower as compared to the high elevated landmasses. Though the continents have large landmass and landscape is composed of various elements as mountain belts are smaller as composed to chains connecting the continents at the edges and borders.
- Only continental mountain belts like the arctic and antarctic circle have a large scale of mountain chains and ranges on earth that are since millions and billions of years ago the formation of super landmasses.