Although you did not includes the salaries of the employees, it will be simple for you to calculate. FICA is the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, which is made up of social security and Medicare fees. For 2019, the Social Security tax rate is 6.2% on the first $132,900 wages paid. The Medicare tax rate is 1.45% on the first $200,000 and 2.35% above $200,000.
So, for every employee who earned $132,900 or less, it is calculated by multiplying the total earnings by 7.65% (6.2% social security +1.45% Medicare).
For all earnings that are between more than $132,900 and $200,000, it is calculated by multiplying the total earnings by 1.45%. (Medicare)
All earnings above $200,000 are taxed at 2.35% (Medicare).
After calculating each of the people, you will add up the total. The employer matches each of the contributions, so they are the exact same as the total of the employees.