At some point, most people have to write a letter of request for something. Whether it's a charitable contribution, a chance to make up a missed exam, a meeting with an expert in your field, or a document you need for a report you're writing, the style for writing these letters remains the same. Follow these instructions to make your letter of request more professional and persuasive.
I will spray all the walls of my house when I paint it.
Her bravery and strength is unwavering
The answer is, A. Generally, an argument is more successful overall when we sympathize with an opposing idea or viewpoint, this shows we don't hold prejudiced, and therefore will make others try to comprehend our opinions, and possibly agree with what we're saying, or at least take it into account.
confidence- a firm belief or trust
hypocritical- like a hypocrite/ insincere
petition- a request
sovereignty-supreme power or authority
atonement- reconciliation between God and man
solicitation- an urging to do wrong/ temptation
discourse- a long written or spoken discussion on some subject