I - The British harassment and impressment of American sailors
III - General Andrew Jackson was defeated by the British forces in Canada
The war of 1812 ( Second War for American independence) was a war fought between Britain and the United States. The attack on Canada by the United States started the war, as an effort to gain more territory and also cut off Britain's supply of arms and ammunition to Indians Techumen who had long battled with the United States.
The major cause of the war was as a result of Britain's economic harassment of the United States and the impressment of American sailors. The war lasted for 2 years and 8 months and ended on 17th February 1815.
The war came to an end after the defeat of the British soldiers in the Battle of New Orleans led by General Andrew Jackson of the United States. The war also brought about the signing of the Treaty of Ghent.
Spanish settlement resulted in much suffering and hardship; it turned many Native Americans into slaves and killed millions of them through battle, mistreatment, and disease.