Push factors are the example of poverty, political and religious persecution. the like of which were in Europe during the mass exodus to the new world.
Pull factors include job opportunity,education opportunity, peace and freedoms as well as higher standards of lives.
Location by definition means "a particular place or position"... your answer to your question is True.
The election was held on Tuesday, November 6, 1860. ... The election of Lincoln served as the primary catalyst of the American Civil War. The United States had become increasingly divided during the 1850s over sectional disagreements, especially regarding the extension of slavery into the territories.
Polytheists. Polly meaning "many" and theists meaning "of god"
He spoke against the slave trade and the ownership of slaves. Adams went so far as to suggest the dissolution of the Union on the grounds that to remain whole would mean supporting the institution of slavery and the views of southern slaveholders. To this end, he presented yet another signed petition that actually called to dissolve the union of states.