When geologists want to study an active earthquake fault, they often rely on a trenching study. ... They brace the walls, if needed, to prevent cave-ins, then they climb down into the trench and carefully map its walls, looking for signs of past earthquakes and ground movement.
ikd lol, its the future so
A. Distinction of the various rings of saturn.
The important discoveries of Hubble space telescope were on discovering the age of the universe, finding the depths and expanse of the universe, along with researching on the black holes and finding visible wavelength images. Finding planets in the inner solar system like Pluto, and an outer solar system like Exoplanets.
<u>c. Solstice</u> describes days when sun's rays directly hit Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.
The solstices occur due to the declination of the Earth's orbital movement around the sun. During this declination, the axial tilt is 23.5°. Furthermore, solstice's occurrence is during time the sun's direction is overhead the moon.
In Northern hemisphere, the declination is towards Tropic of Cancer with the axial tilt of 23.5°N. It occurs on June 20 & 22 while in the south the normal period of occurrence is between December 20 and December 23. In the south, the solar declination hits Tropic of Capricorn at 23.5°S.