By doing research. Looking up things for what you need to know. You can go on you tube and find videos or simply searching for it on your search browser, and reading trusted websites. If you're researching about events or things where there are multiple sides to the story I would always recommend viewing as much sides of the situation as possible, and reaching your own conclusion from that.
The correct answer is sentence (5).
A sentence fragment means that it is only a part of a sentence; it is not complete. Given that it is incomplete, the fragment, aka subordinate/dependent sentence, has to be part of a larger, independent sentence, in order to make any sense. So if you combined sentence (5) with another one, it wouldn't be a fragment anymore.
"My current version is stronger and more disciplined than before."
The above sentence was created with the word "version". This word originates from the Latin Vertere, and refers to "rotate". The word has the capacity to show something that presents itself differently from what it was before, and may even be a new thing, a new object, something updated and different, opposite and new.