first of all if you want in urgent so please wait for few minutes
i hope that I can help you first read the last lines means at the end of the answer
1st question's answer
<u>Mrs. Robinson</u>
<u>Mrs. Robinson, an intelligent, brave, and hardworking woman who is in her way as resourceful as her husband. She improvises a great deal in making her family comfortable and happy. Her tasks are housekeeping and care of the crops and animals. Like her husband, she chooses to remain on the island.</u>
<u>Fritz Robinson</u>
<u>Fritz Robinson, the oldest of the Robinson boys. He grows up on the island to become a gentlemanly, courageous young man. He learns how to accept responsibility and to carry out difficult tasks requiring initiative and courage. Unlike his father, he wants to return to Europe and does so when the opportunity comes.</u>
<u>Emily Montrose</u>
<u>Emily Montrose, a young English girl shipwrecked on the island. She is rescued by Fritz, who brings her to his family’s settlement. Emily is the daughter of an English army officer and is on her way home from India. She and Fritz fall in love and plan to marry upon their return to Europe.</u>
<u>Ernest Robinson</u>
<u>Ernest Robinson, the second of the Robinson boys. He has a great interest in natural history, and his previous studies help the family very much, for he is able to identify plants and animals for various purposes.</u>
<u>Jack Robinson</u>
<u>Jack Robinson, the third of the Robinson children. He contributes to the family’s welfare by helping his mother tend the animals and crops.</u>
<u>Francis Robinson</u>
<u>Francis Robinson, the youngest of the Robinson children. He is the pet of the rest of the family and thoroughly enjoys his childhood on the island. </u>
<em>these are the characters and i also write the characteristics of characters in story</em>
<em>so it also cover the answer of 2nd question</em>
<em>so lets talk about 3rd question</em>
<u>because huge hungry dogs eat more than them</u>
<em>answer of 4th question</em>
<u>because he is a baying terrier, the Jack Russell can be vocal. However, these dogs are alert and make good watchdogs</u>
<em>answer of 5th question</em>
<u>by summing</u>
<em>answer of 6th question</em>
<u>Instead of cracking it, or prying it open with a knife, the father put it over the fire and it opened right up.</u>
<em>answer of 7th question</em>
<u>The crew abandons ship, leaving the family on board, and the ship grounds on rocks off of an uninhabited island. The family makes their way ashore along with the captain's two Great Danes. Father, eldest son Fritz, and middle son Ernst salvage supplies and livestock from the shipwreck.</u>
<em>answer of 8th question</em>
<u>One consequence was that he bent the gun when he attacked the dogs with it, and the dogs, Turk and Flora, ran away.</u>
<u>Fritz seized his gun and struck the dogs with it so hard that he bent it, and his voice was raised so high in his fury that it re-echoed from the rocks. The dogs ran away terrified, and when Fritz had calmed down a little I pointed out to him the folly</u>
<u>and unmanliness of this want of self-control.</u>
<em>answer of 9th question</em>
<u>The father tells Fritz the gourds will make excellent bowls and spoons, and they cut them into different utensils.</u>
<em>sorry my numbering was wrong please arrange it as question and the answer of question 17 and 18 means 6 and 7 was shuffled so please arrange</em>
<em>as 1 means 12 2 means 13 3 means 14 4 means 15 5 means 16 6 means 18 7 means 17 8 means 19 and 9 means 20</em>