A, robert frost was the speaker of the mending wall!
I don't think they would.
Say that the newspapers are in America. The newspapers would be unlikely to write about a rebellion in, say, Japan if it has nothing to do with America. Newspapers only report the news if it has something to do with America. You know those people who buy a newspaper everyday to read? Do you think they're going to waste their money buying a newspaper in America that talks about a rebellion in Japan? Those people don't care about what happens in Japan, because the rebellions don't effect them.
Of course, there are exceptions, like if those people had a relative living in Japan. However, I'm talking about the majority of people who buy newspapers. They want to know what's going on in America, not something that's happening in some other country they don't care about.
If the newspapers wrote about it, their sales would go down and they would lose money.
Unless the rebellion is related to America in some way, I don't think newspapers would write about it since they might lose money, writing about things irrelevant to America.
Yes, it is merely human nature. No matter what, we always make assumptions about people, whether it be on their looks, the way they act, etc. That is merely human nature. However, that does not make it right. Based on today's principles, it is considered immoral to make assumptions on people based on things about them. But like I said before, it is still human nature, just human nature we tend to try and avoid.
The conflict revolves around the use of the monkey's paw and the results of the wishes. Fate and chance are themes in the story, along with the flaws of man who place a too high value on material possessions. The point of view of the story is Omniscient Objective, where the reader is left to draw his own conclusions
The latin word, populus.
Which means people gives us the root popul.
Words from Latin populus have something to do with people, so thats why it means population, which means how many people in a area, or region.